Cardinality of "\\mathbb{R}" is the same as cardinality of (0,1), because there is a bijection from first set to second: "\\dfrac{1}{1+e^{-x}}"
Cardinality of [0,1] is the same as cardinality of (0,1), because there is a bijection from first set to second:
From the first set cut a sequence of points "0,1\/4, 1\/4^2, 1\/4^3, \\dots" and insert them to coordinates "1\/4, 1\/4^2, 1\/4^3, 1\/4^4, \\dots" respectively. It is a bijection from [0,1] to (0,1].
Then set cut a sequence of points "1,(1-1\/4), (1-1\/4^2), (1-1\/4^3), \\dots" and insert them to coordinates "(1-1\/4), (1-1\/4^2), (1-1\/4^3), (1-1\/4^4) \\dots" respectively. It is a bijection from (0,1] to (0,1).
Cardinality of "\\mathbb{N}" is less then cardinality of "\\mathbb{R}", because "\\mathbb{N}" is a countable set and "\\mathbb{R}" is a continuum. "\\mathbb{R}" has the same cardinality as "2^\\mathbb{N}".
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