(a) Cardinality of ∅ is 0.
it is an empty set, hence there are no or 0 elements present.
(b) Cardinality of {∅} is 1.
It contains one element {∅}, that is a set containing an empty set.
(c) Cardinality of {∅,{∅}} is 2.
It contains two elements -- an empty set ( ∅ ) , and a set containing an empty set ( {∅} ).
(d) Cardinality of {∅,{∅},{∅,{∅}}} is 3.
It contains three elements -- an empty set ( ∅ ) , a set containing an empty set ( {∅} ) , and a
set containing {∅,{∅}}. In the third element, the full set {∅,{∅}} is considered as one
For example, a set S = {a , b , {c , d , e} } has a cardinality of 3 . Here, first element is a , second
element is b , and third element is a set {c , d , e }.
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