Suppose it weren't necessary that "f" is injective. Then there would exist a non-injective function "f" such that for any two subsets "A,B\u2286X" we get "f(A\u2229B)=f(A)\u2229f(B)".
Let "a,b\\in X"
"f(\\{a\\})\\cap f(\\{b\\})=\\{f(a)=f(b)\\}\\ne f(\\{a\\}\\cap\\{b\\})\\\\\n=f(\\emptyset)=\\emptyset"
Suppose it weren't necessary that "f" is surjective.
Now assume "a \\not\\in f^{\u22121}(\\{a\\})". Then by definition of inverse image of set, "f(a) \\not\\in \\{a\\}" meaning "a\\ne f(a)". Contradiction.
''injective + surjective = 1-1''
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