a) On the set "X = \\{1,c,3\\}", the relation "R = \\{ (1,c), (1,3), (c,3)\\}" is irreflexive because "\\forall x\\in X\\colon (x,x)\\notin R", and trichotomous (see first example in [1], it is the same). "R" is trichotomous (see first property in [1]) because it is asymmetric, "(x,y)\\in R \\rightarrow (y,x)\\not\\in R", and semiconnex, "\\forall x \\ne y\\in X\\colon (x,y)\\in R \\, \\lor \\, (y,x)\\in R".
b) Yes, because it is one-to-one
c) i) "S;R" means that firstly "S" then "R". Hence
"R\\circ S=\\{(2,1),(a,1),(b,2),(2,b)\\}"
ii) "(1,1), (2,2), (a,a), (b,b)"
[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trichotomy_(mathematics)
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