We rewrite this equation in the form
which allows us to highlight the function "F(x,y,z,p,q)=z-p^2x-q^2y" , which we need for Charpit's Method.
Charpit's equation is:
In our case,
"F(x,y,z,p,q)=z-p^2x-q^2y\\longrightarrow\\\\[0.3cm]\nF_p=-2px\\quad F_q=-2qy\\\\[0.3cm]\npF_p+qF_q=-2p^2x-2q^2x=-2\\left(p^2x+q^2y\\right)\\equiv-2z\\\\[0.3cm]\nF_x+pF_z=-p^2+p\\quad F_y+qF_z=-q^2+q"
Then, our equation takes the form
1) We are interested in the first and fourth element:
2) We are interested in the second and fifth element:
It remains to substitute the obtained results in the initial equation:
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