The parameterized curve is given by the formulas:
"x(t)=e^t cos(t); y(t)=e^t; z(t)=e^t sin(t)"
The formula for calculating the length of the curve given parametrically is as follows:
"L=\\int{\\sqrt{(x^{'})^2+(y^{'})^2+(z^{'})^2} dt}"
Let's calculate and simplify the integrand function: "x^{'}=e^t (cos(t) - sin(t)); y^{'}=e^t; z^{'}=e^t (sin(t)+cos(t))"
"\\sqrt{(x^{'})^2+(y^{'})^2+(z^{'})^2}=e^t \\sqrt{(cost-sint)^2+1+(sint+cost)^2}=e^t \\sqrt{3}"
After that, the integration is carried out easily
"L=\\int^{2\\pi}_0 \\sqrt{3} e^t dt=\\sqrt{3} (e^{2\\pi}-1)"
Answer: The arc length is "\\sqrt{3} (e^{2\\pi}-1)"
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