1) Origin: Equation does not contain any constant term. Therefore, it passes through the origin.
The curve meets the coordinate axes only at the origin.
2) Symmetric about x-axis: The curve is symmetrical about x-axis, since only even powers of y occur.
3) Tangent at the origin: Equation of the tangent is obtained by equating to zero the lowest degree terms in the equation
Equation of the tangent:
4) Cusp: As two tangents are coincident, therefore, origin is a cusp.
5) Asymptote parallel to y-axis: Equation of asymptote is obtained by equating the coefficient of highest degree of y to zero.
6) Region of absence of curve: "y^2" becomes negative on putting "x>2a" or "x<0," therefore, the curve does not exist for "x<0" and "x>2a."
We have cissoid.
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