2- The longitudinal extension of metal bar in direction of an applied force is
given by
y = LKeF×1×10−3
Where y is the longitudinal extension in m, L is the length of the bar in m which
is L= 0.15 (m), K is a constant depends on the material and is K= 1, and F is applied
force in N.
a) Find the work done if the force increases from 100 N to 500 N using:
i) An analytical integration technique
ii) A numerical integration technique (n=8 intervals)
[Note: the work done is given by the area under the curve]
b) Using a computer spreadsheet and recalculates step (ii) by increasing
the number of intervals to n=10 and compare your obtained results
with (i) and (ii)
c) Using Simpson’s rule to find the work done (n=8).
d) Analyse whether the size of numerical steps has effect on the obtained
result and explain why.
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