Find the area of the curve r^2=3-4cos^2(0), symmetrical to origin and Ox.
Crazy condition - clearly in the original it was about the area of the figure bounded by the curve. Fortunately, it (the figure) contains the origin, so the method is known - 2∆S = r² (α) ∆α (if the angular argument is α) and integrate for health. The devil is in the details, here - in the area of changing the angular argument. It makes no sense to give the entire area, it is enough to indicate the segment [π / 6; π / 2] in the first quadrant, because due to symmetry, the entire area is 4 times larger than the part of the figure that is located in the 1st quadrant.
"S=(\\frac 4 2)\\int^{\\frac \\pi 2}_{\\frac \\pi 6}[3-4cos\u00b2 (\u03b1)]d\u03b1=\n2\\int^{\\frac \\pi 2}_{\\frac \\pi 6}[1-cos (2\u03b1)]d\u03b1=\n2\\frac \\pi 3+sin(\\frac \\pi 3)=2\\frac \\pi 3+\\frac {\\sqrt{3}} 2"
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