Write a formula for the an in each of the following sequences {an}∞n=1 given by (i) 2,1,4,3,6,5,8,7,... (ii) 1, 3, 6,10,15,... (iii) 1, −4,9,−16,25,−36,... Which ones among these are the subsequence of {n}∞n=1?
1) an = n - 1, for n=2"i" (even), "i\\in\\N".
an = n + 1, for n=2"i"-1 (odd), "i\\in\\N".
2) an = "\\frac{n(n+1)}{2}" .
3) an = - n2, for n=2"i" (even), "i\\in\\N".
an = n2, for n=2"i"-1 (odd), "i\\in\\N".
{n} = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5...n
1) This sequence can be obtained from {n} without removing members, but with changing the order of the members. She's not a subsequence {n}.
2) This sequence can be obtained from {n} with removing members, without changing the order of the members. She's a subsequence {n}.
3) This sequence cannot be obtained from {n}. She is divergent(dispersent).
Answer: 2.
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