Answer to Question #148337 in Calculus for Angelo

Question #148337
Points A and B are opposite each other on shores of a straight river 3 km wide. Point C is on the same shore as B but 2 km down the river from B. A telephone company wishes to lay a cable from A to C. If the cost per kilometer of the cable is 25% more under the water than it is on land, what line of cable would be least expensive for the company? (Let
Expert's answer

Let`s solve this problem:

We have given lengths:

From A to B = 3 km, from B to C = 2 km.

Let`s assume that the value of 1 km cable in water is x and its value in land is y. And we have also an important thing that we need to assume first: location of C is 2 km down from B, it means that it can be under water or in land because location of B did not given, just mentioned that located on shore. But in this case, we asseume that C located in land.

We need to look two or more cases

1) First, we will find the value of the cable which used in the direction of A to B directly and C:

From A to B "3\\times x" is needed and From B to C "2\\times y" and its total value is "3\\times x"+"2\\times y".

2) Secondly, we consider the value of cable from A to C directly:

we can calculate the length from Pythagorean theorem:

From A to C = "\\sqrt{\\smash[b]{3^2+2^2}}=\\sqrt{\\smash[b]{13}}" and it value is "\\sqrt{\\smash[b]{13}}\\times x".

At last, we have given connection between x and y:

"x=y+0.25\\times y=1.25\\times y" and in order compare them, we put x into equations:

this is from A to C through B: "3\\times x"+"2\\times y"="3\\times 1.25\\times y+2\\times y=5.75\\times y",

this is fromA to C directly: "\\sqrt{\\smash[b]{13}}\\times x=\\sqrt{\\smash[b]{13}}\\times 1.25\\times y=4.50\\times y".

3) In the last case, we put D point between B and C:

From A to D: "\\sqrt{\\smash[b]{3^2+1^2}}=\\sqrt{\\smash[b]{10}}" m cable required and its value "\\sqrt{\\smash[b]{10}}\\times x= \\sqrt{\\smash[b]{10}}\\times 1.25\\times y=3.95\\times y"

So, I think that if a telephone company lays cable from A to D directly, then it will be cheaper

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