Answer to Question #148336 in Calculus for Angelo

Question #148336

An island is at point A 6 mi offshore from the nearest point B on a straight beach. A store is at point C 7 mi down the beach from B. If a man can row at the rate of 4 mi/hr, and walk at the rate of 5 mi/hr, where should he land in order to go from the island to the store in the least possible time.

Expert's answer

Let D be a point between B and C and let the distance BD = x, we note that speed = d / t which implies that t = d/speed where d = distance and t = time

By Pythagoras theorem

"AD^2=x^2+6^2 \\implies AD=\\sqrt{x^2+6^2}\\\\Also \\text{ DC = 7-x}\\\\\\text{Therefore Time taken from A to D }=\\frac{\\sqrt{x^2+6^2}}{4}\\\\\\text{Therefore Time taken from D to C }=\\frac{7-x}{5}\\\\\\text{Therefore total time taken }= \\frac{\\sqrt{x^2+6^2}}{4} + \\frac{7-x}{5}\\\\\\text{Differentiating equation above we have that }\\frac{dt}{dx} = \\frac{x}{4\\sqrt{x^2+6^2}}-\\frac{1}{5}\\\\\\text{Set } \\frac{dt}{dx}=0, \\implies \\frac{5x-4\\sqrt{x^2+6^2}}{20\\sqrt{x^2+6^2}}=0\\\\\\implies 5x-4\\sqrt{x^2+6^2} =0\\\\\\text{therefore } 5x=4\\sqrt{x^2+6^2} \\text{ squaring both sides we have that } 25x^2 = 16x^2 +16*36\\\\x=8mi\\\\\\text{AD}=\\sqrt{8^2+6^2}\\implies AD=10mi\\\\\\text{Hence the man would land the boat 10mi from A to get to the store in the least possible time}"

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