Answer to Question #131054 in Calculus for Break Down

Question #131054

Ali is trying to find the limit of a function which is expressed as L = lim x→0+ (1 + x)1/x . From his understanding, the quantity (1 + x), must be greater than 1 for x > 0. Furthermore, the power1 / x is going to infinity as ? approaches 0 from the right. So L is the result of taking a number greater than 1 to higher power, therefore L = ∞. On the other hand, he sees that (1 + x) is approaching 1 as x approaches 0, and 1 taken to any power whatever is 1. Ali concluded, L = 1. Help Ali by pointing out to him the error of his ways.

Expert's answer

Let "x_n=\\dfrac{1}{n}, n\\in\\Z^+"

"\\lim\\limits_{x_n\\to 0^+}(1+x_n)^{{1 \\over x_n}}=\\lim\\limits_{n\\to \\infin}(1+{1\\over n})^{n}"

Use Newton's Binomial formula

"(1+{1\\over n})^{n}=1+n\\cdot{1\\over n}+{n(n-1)\\over 1\\cdot2}\\cdot{1\\over n^2}+"

"+{n(n-1)(n-2)\\over 1\\cdot2\\cdot3}\\cdot{1\\over n^3}+...+{n(n-1)...(1)\\over 1\\cdot2\\cdot...\\cdot n}\\cdot{1\\over n^n}>1+1=2"

Let "f(x)=\\ln (x)," then "f'(x)=1\/x." Thus "f'(1)=1\/1=1."

From the definition of a derivative as a limit, we have

"f'(1)=\\lim\\limits_{h\\to 0}\\dfrac{f(1+h)-f(1)}{h}="

"=\\lim\\limits_{x\\to 0}\\dfrac{f(1+x)-f(1)}{x}=\\lim\\limits_{x\\to 0}\\dfrac{\\ln(1+x)-\n\\ln(1)}{x}="

"=\\lim\\limits_{x\\to 0}\\dfrac{\\ln(1+x)\n}{x}=\\lim\\limits_{x\\to 0}\\ln(1+x)^{{1\\over x}}"

Because "f'(1)=1," we have

"\\lim\\limits_{x\\to 0}\\ln(1+x)^{{1\\over x}}=1"


If "f" is continuous at "b" and "\\lim\\limits_{x\\to a}g(x)=b," then "\\lim\\limits_{x\\to a}f(g(x))=f(b)"

"\\lim\\limits_{x\\to a}f(g(x))=f(\\lim\\limits_{x\\to a}g(x))"

Since the exponential function is continuous, we have

"e=e^1=e^{\\lim\\limits_{x\\to 0}\\ln(1+x)^{{1\\over x}}}=\\lim\\limits_{x\\to 0}e^{\\ln(1+x)^{{1\\over x}}}="

"=\\lim\\limits_{x\\to 0}(1+x)^{{1\\over x}}"


"\\lim\\limits_{x\\to 0}(1+x)^{{1\\over x}}=e"

"\\lim\\limits_{x\\to 0^+}(1+x)^{{1\\over x}}=e"

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