45061 is smaller than 45601 give a concept and the reason
The easiest way to compare numbers is to draw a number line and mark the numbers you want to compare on it. On the number line, the value of the number is increasing from left to the right. The conclusion is that if the number "A" is positioned to the right of the number "B," then the number "A" is larger than the number "B."
Since the number "45601" is positioned to the right of the number "45061," then the number "45601" is larger than the number "45061."
We can also define the difference between two numbers.
If the difference between the number "A" and the number "B" is greater than "0," then the number "A" is larger than the number "B."
Sincethe difference between the number "45601" and the number "45061" is greater than "0," then the number "45601" is larger than the number "45061."
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