1. How can you apply the following in assessing mathematical tasks?
a) Formative assessment
b) Summative assessment
c) Diagnotic assessment
2. How can the assessment point of reference apply in assessing mathematical tasks?
3. Outline and discuss two methods of collecting assessment evidence.
(b) Summative assessment contains 70% of the total marks.
(c)Diagnostic assessment is only used t check the skills like Decision making, Leadership.
2.Mathematics assessments can make the goals for learning real to students, teachers, parents, and the public. Assessment can play a key role in exemplifying the new types of mathematics learning students must achieve.
There are many assessment methods to consider, and they tend to fall into one of two categories: direct and indirect methods. When assessing student learning in particular, direct methods are often needed in order to accurately determine if students are achieving the outcome.
Direct Method - Any process employed to gather data which requires participants to demonstrate their knowledge, behavior, or thought processes.
Indirect Method - Any process employed to gather data which asks participants to reflect upon their knowledge, behaviors, or thought processes.
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