Determine the elements of order 15 of U(225)
We can write "U_{225}\\backsimeq U_{15}\\times U_{15}" [By chinese remainder theorem]
Hence any element of "U_{15}" has orders 1,2 or 4. Since "|U_{15}|=\u03c6(15)=8"
there is no element of "U_{15}" that generates it, hence "U_{15}" is not a cyclic group.
So, we can write:
"U(225)=U(15^2 )=U(15)=1,2,4,7,8,11,13,14.\\\\\nThe \\ cyclic \\ subgroups \\ generated \\ by \\ these \\ elements \\ are:\\\\\n<2>=<8>=1,2,4,8,\\\\\n<4>=1,4,\\\\\n<7>=1,4,7,13,\\\\\n<11>=1,11(note \\ that \\ 11=\u22124),\\\\\n<14>=1,14(note \\ that \\ 14=\u22121),\\\\\n<1>=1.\\\\\nObserve \\ that \\ U(15) \\ cannot \\ be \\ cyclic \\ since \\ it \\ has \\ three \\\\ subgroups \\ of \\ order \\ 2 \\ and \\ two \\ of \\ order \\ 4."
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