Explain the theory behind the MECCAS model and the laddering technique. Using a product, explain levels of the MECCAS model and how that product fits into those levels.
MECCAS model provides a framework that allows marketers to use as a feedback loop to conduct consumer research and build a brand policy consecutively. The MECCAS model is based on the Means- End theory which states that consumers have abstract ideals that guide their purchasing decisions. MECCAS ladders can be constructed with several designs. A laddering model shows the direct influence of lesser attributes on greater values as such:
Concrete consequences (dark chocolate), abstract consequences (rich flavor), functional consequences (Luxuriant taste), psychosocial consequences (Indulgence), instrumental value (Pleasure) and terminal value (Personal Gratification) respectively.
An example of a product that fits in the levels of MECCA is a hotel room. First level is core benefit and hotel room fits in it if the inner urge of customers can sleep and have some privacy and silence. Second is basic product. a hotel room with a single bed, and basically that’s all.
Third level is expected product. A hotel room with a bed that is neat and clean and the room have at least a small bathroom.
Fourth level is augmented product and a hotel room with a bed in a popular hotel; the room has a nice bathroom with hair dryer, is air conditioned and has a TV and a minibar.
Lastly we have potential product where a hotel room with a huge double bed with water mattress, a television, a big bathroom with a hydro-massage shower cabin fits in this level of MECCA.
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