Marketing has changed dramatically in recent years, especially in the technology-driven social media economy. Integrating marketing communications and branding strategies to offer a consistent, clear, and concise message to prospective consumers is more vital than ever as a marketer in the globally linked economy. Integrated marketing communications (IMC) aims to achieve this by extending traditional marketing tactics to include broader storytelling across a broader (and ever-expanding) set of communication channels between the company and its numerous stakeholders. From a technical standpoint, it's all about recognizing and aligning a marketer's broad toolkit (advertising, blogs, social media, PR, and direct selling,). Another important aspect of this jigsaw is how the customer feels about the firm and how receptive they are to its values and procedures.
The following are some of the drivers that a corporation might use to operationalize communication integration:
1.     Using an integrated agency to carry out communication tasks.
2.     Building and maintaining databases to keep existing consumers rather than obtaining new ones.
3.     Developing core competencies - training staff on how to use communication methods is more effective.
4.     Instead of altering past plans, use zero-based planning to undertake a SWOT analysis and launch a communication campaign.
5.     Cross-functional planning and monitoring, rather than departmental planning and monitoring, will aid in the creation of a more holistic campaign.
6.     Developing and nurturing relationships in order to attract new clients and keep existing ones.
7.     Include all stakeholders, including employees and the media, in your planning.
8.     Maintaining strategic consistency – drive all communication messages with the "main concept."
9.     Creating meaningful interaction - create feedback channels for customers to participate in decision-making processes.
10. Ensure that organizational activities such as CSI products contribute to the business objective by marketing it.
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