Bharat Motors has been selling the "Konard" brand of passenger cars in India for the last 60 years. Their car has been the leading car market share wise over the previous 50 years. But, over the previous five years, the scenario has changed. Many multinational car companies have entered the country and introduced highly fuel-efficient, user-friendly, & high-performance models in the country. The buyers have thus seen the market change from sellers to buyers' markets. Spectacular product characteristics have become the rule of the day. Resultantly Konard has rapidly and constantly lost the market share. Realizing that the company has no other alternative, they have tied up with a leading car company in Korea. They are now ready to launch an absolutely new and drastically improved version of the old faithful Konard.
Suggest promotional tools which the company can use to help it develop a completely new image for its product.
Suggested promotional tools for Bharat Motors
Digital marketing: The company should consider leveraging digital marketing by using social media as an internet platform to market the new image in the market. The use of ads and other digital marketing could be helpful.
Advertising: the company should consider designing new adverts to presents the new image of the company. Advertising can help attract a considerable market and establish the newly formed Konrad brand. Advertising channels could include, radio, print media, television, direct emails, and billboards.
Sales promotion: promotional operations such as the use of coupons, trade shows, an exhibition of new cars under the new brand, and trade-ins should be considered in this case. This is a marketing promotion that helps to stimulate customer or market demand for the products.
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