What is an attractive storyline garnering a global audience for an equestrian entertainment reality TV series based on eventing that follows the privegeled lives of boys & girls 18+ that shows " behind the scenes drama", what it's like to ride, blood sweat tears of training, debates between rider teams, luxury stables, travel, competitions, polo events, parties, clubs, meet & greets, red carpets, award shows, book signings, etc?
An attractive storyline garnering a global audience for reality TV series must have the following factors in consideration;
1. Text;
The story needs to be about something. It might be about a plot-driven story or a character-driven story. This enhances the audience to have the purpose of watching and to recognize what the story is all about hence enjoying.
2. A strong story engine;
This is what keeps the story running through the episodes of the series. It has the major characters and how they are driving this. This gives the audience the burning appetite to watch through the series. It makes them crave more of the story.
3. Solid subtext;
This is the shadow cast by the plotline and the motivator of the characters. This gives all the stories essential resonance.
4. Resonance;
This is the impact of the story. The storyline needs to vibrate throughout the episodes and beyond. The audience needs to feel and see that ripple effect through the storyline.
5. Make a connection
A good series storyline needs to engender connection with other storylines. So the storyline knits itself into the fabric of the episode via its interaction with other story strands.
6. The storyline needs to express and also explore the characters involved in it.
7. Message
It needs to carry a message. It needs to carry a textual message, showing the works from point A to point B, and a subtextual message, leaving the audience in suspense, what they should think.
These features help in making the episodes more memorable and enjoyable. A memorable episode with a summary of the next episode makes the audience crave for the next episode of the series. The remarkable series will make the audience share the idea with friends and this makes it go global.
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