Identify the major environmental trends that are likely to create opportunities and ones that will present threats to this company in the decade ahead?
Shrinking Carbon Footprints
Corporations and governments are trying to shrink their carbon footprints for both financial and social reasons by switching to energy-efficient lighting, digitizing records, and making recycling a priority.
Reporting on Environmental Compliance
Stock exchanges and governmental oversight organizations worldwide recommend that companies disclose compliance with environmental regulations in their financial reporting. This has led to environmental protection and preservation becoming a larger concern for companies and investors.
Sustainability as a Competitive Advantage
Companies large and small are using sustainability as a selling point directed at investors and consumers, claiming that it will support the long-term success of their operations.
More Renewable Energy Sources
It is estimated that the use of renewable energy sources will triple between 2010 and 2039. Wind, solar, and hydroelectric energy sources are among the clean energy options being developed for governments and corporations to power their operations
However, Renewable Energy source posses a threat as these technologies are expensive relative to traditional energy sources, which hinders their proliferation over the short term.
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