Youtube is one of the most used social sites, where content is uploaded and consumed by a targeted group.
Most uploaded content, when viewed by subscribers, earns the uploader some royalty. The more one's content is viewed, the higher the rating and make. Therefore, YouTube's primary mission is catered for business.
The communication on YouTube is somehow different from other platforms. For instance, the content uploaded by individuals should be one's content. However, when intending to upload someone else's work, one must give the primary owner credit. Whereas in other platforms, content is never scrutinized to verify ownership. Furthermore, communication on youtube is more of video than photographs. Also, sensitive content does not have space on youtube, making the communication on youtube relevant to all ages.
Since YouTube came into use, it has been growing, and the platform's improvement is expected to be even better than now. For instance, YouTube will be essentially hosting social functions in the coming future. For example, with the threat of covid-19, most churches are streaming church services live in countries where social gatherings are barned. Also, political activities are organized through YouTube channels. Moreover, it is easy to retrieve YouTube videos for later watching for individuals who missed live recording. Besides, YouTube promotes and only allows clean content. Therefore it will be the most preferred platform for business advertisement to all ages.
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