What other key demographics would be important to look at if you were creating a social media marketing campaign for your town?
Social media marketing considers age as an essential tool to study consumer behavior regarding the consumer behaviiur in regards to the tensency of the customers to prefer soial media as a means of sourcing for information. The youthful population is delighted and spends most of the time on social media pages, and these demographic elements suit marketing on social media to get the targeted group.
Global statics suggest that nearly 55% of men visit and embrace social media as compared to women. Social media as means of marketing should be considered to capture the attention of the gender that is the product interests.
Occupation and Income
Social media platforms are only relevant and applicable to a relatively financially stable community that can afford to reach the sites either through computers or smart cell-phones. Social media platforms don apply to a community in a town that does not have the means to reach the sites for marketing.
Culture, Ethnicity, and Religion
Social media marketing should be considerate and sensitive to a particular group's culture, ethnicity, and religion. The means selected for marketing should not ignore or disrupt the harmony with people's social setup in terms of culture, Ethnicity, and Religion.
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