Products can be categorised into the following;
1. Convenient Products. These are products that are frequently bought and without a great comparison or purchasing effort. For example laundry detergent or sugar.
These kind of products need extensive distribution, products must be available in every available store and must be easily accessible.
2. Shopping Products. These are the kind of products that a customer compares according to it's quality,price and style in the process of purchasing. For example, furniture, clothing and used cars.
These products distribution mostly reflects on the product features. This is because the customers are more concerned about the features and then the price comes later. The customer will want to see,touch and feel the texture of the product before making a purchase.
3. Speciality Products. These are products or services that has a unique characteristics or identification by a significant group of consumers who are willing to make a special purchase. For example, designer clothes and expensive cars.
Dealers of these kind of products don't need convenient locations,but they must let their loyal customers know about their locations.
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