Explain the role of leadership that may exist within Fitflop and how the structure and culture of the organisation may support effective transitional change.
Role of leadership within Fitflop
Fitflop companies have two leaders; a global brand director and CEO who manages their business plans to boost their growth. The two are well-skilled, achievers, and self-driven towards the company's success globally. Their structure is strong to change their culture since the employees are aware of it. However, they may require adjusting to a few new ways essential in companies' growth in the market sectors (Hume, 2018). Leaders ensure employees play a vital role during the changes by engaging them in recruitment and training to boost productivity.
Hume, P. (2018). ISBS 2018 CONFERENCE E-MAGAZINE 1 APRIL 2018. ISBS Proceedings Archive, 36(1), 1157.
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