Read the article "Digital literacy lessons from the time of Covid-19" by Jessamyn
West and then answer the questions that follow. Your answer should reflect that
you are familiar with the content of the article and should be written in your own
words. The article was published in Computers in Libraries in July/August 2020.
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• Click on Ebsco.
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2.4 In-person classrooms differ from one academic institution to the next but it
is not the case with online rooms. What, according to the author, can be
done to improve the quality of the online interaction? (5)
2.5 What should be done to get people to interact digitally on a level where
they feel comfortable? (4)
2.4] The author recommended that e learning platforms should provide interactive technological features created to show signs of progression/motivational methods, collaboration methods, and ensure help is available to the students from peers and instructors by using communication means of all kinds. Simply, the author raises the following measures to improve the quality of online interaction. They are; Integrate real-time interaction, get creative with discussion boards, maximize engagement with non-task interaction, use multiple communication tools, and have a plan around the tool.
2.5] The author argues that to get people to interact digitally on a level where they feel comfortable by; building a digital community, providing instant recommendations, interact on social media, offering live chat, hosting events for customers, and connecting across channels.
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