Explain and differentiate the standard recruitment process of Apple and Google
The hiring process of Google occurs to an individual in a single site and then allocates them to various teams as well as projects, while at Apple the process includes hiring strategy.
At Google, the hiring process is pretty standard at a glance where you submit an application, undergo interviews, and then be subject to post-interview selection. At Apple If a resume is required the HR will contact the candidate by phone and conduct a preliminary phone screen to see if there is further interest in the candidate. The applicant will be asked to attend an interview in person with team members of the hiring manager's team over the course of a day. The team members will meet with the hiring manager to report their impressions. The manager will make a decision and report back to HR. If there is not a good fit, the candidate will be informed of that by HR. If there is a good fit, the hiring manager will work with HR to prepare an offer.
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