A plan to improve my grade-point average
One of my primary goals is to score the best grade-point average in my studies. To achieve this, I have designed a plan to implement in my studies that will allow me to handle test exams efficiently.
Plan outline
Step 1; Obtain the necessary academic materials. Having all the key academic resources to be utilized in study season is a primary need. I will visit the library to request the necessary books.
Step 2; utilize a timetable. I will manage time well using a timetable. Timeable will incorporate all my study subjects. Also, time allocation will be base on y subject proficiency. Technical subjects will be allocated more time than non-technical.
Step 3; join discussion groups. Joining discussion groups will allow sharing ideas from different subjects and boost further understanding of concepts learnt.
Step4; Do practice questions. Upon understanding the content through individual and group discussion studies, I will test my understanding by answering past questions. This will enable me to identify spots I have understood and those I have not. Enough practice using relevant questions will boost my capabilities of scoring higher in exams.
Step 5; Consult tutor on any questions that I need clarifications/Have not understood.
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