A job applicant complained that he was not made aware of the outcome of his job interview and his many phone calls and emails to the HR department was left unanswered. Discuss how you would ensure that processes for advising applicants of selection outcome are followed?
The human resource manager should ensure that feedback is communicated to all the job applicants whether or not they were considered for the job offer (Pelgrim et al, 2012). The human resource manager or the selection panel must telephone the both the successful and unsuccessful candidates, the successful one is offered the job and the unsuccessful ones are informed that their curriculum vitae has been placed on the company’s database in case a position that suits them becomes vacant in future. An email to the unsuccessful candidates should then be sent.
Pelgrim, E.A., Kramer, A.W., Mokkink, H.G. and Van Der Vleuten, C.P., 2012. The process of feedback in workplace‐based assessment: organisation, delivery, continuity. Medical education, 46(6), pp.604-612.
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