Examine the advertising for cigarettes over time. Spend some time researching how advertising for cigarettes has changed over the past 50 years. Look at old ads from the 1950s and 1960s and compare them with modern ads. How has the message changed? During which time frame do you believe the advertising to be the most effective? Why?
Just like any other good, cigarettes also have advertisements to attract consumers. Vintage cigarette advertisements were all over the social media platform, such as televisions, radios, and online. They were also in magazines, until they were ruled out since they were not good for society, especially the impressionable children and youth. Also, society thought that smoking cigarettes was appealing. It did not portray a good picture.
Today, the advertisements are not aired on social media platforms. The tobacco industry prefers advertising their products in places where their consumers are like bars and nightclubs. The cigarette advertisement transition has led to a decrease in cigarette consumption since most people are not exposed to cigarette varieties. Also, health issues related to cigarette smoking have lessened after cigarette advertisements ban.
Additionally, during the 1950s and 1960s, the cigarette advertisement was more effective than modern times, because the advertisements were publicly advertised. It was also effective since the adverts were legal. After the 1971 cigarette advertisement ban, the adverts were no longer effective.
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