Examine the advertising for cigarettes over time. Spend some time researching how advertising for cigarettes has changed over the past 50 years. Look at old ads from the 1950s and 1960s and compare them with modern ads. How has the message changed? During which time frame do you believe the advertising to be the most effective? Why?
Tobacco-related products and cigarettes in ancient days have been essential in human society. Due to high taxes imposed on them, the governments have generated much revenue from it.
In the 1950s and 1960s, all the companies that manufactured tobacco products directly promoted them on different media platforms. Tobacco companies used Key celebrities to encourage the usage of these products point as a modern lifestyle. Smoking cigarettes for men were perceived as masculinity and upper social status other than being a bodily pleasure.
As time went by, society began to witness and realize the adverse effects of cigarettes and other tobacco-related products. The manufacturing companies were forced to stop their direct endorsement of cigarettes and other tobacco-related products driven by organizations by perusing the government to enforce such restrictions. Advisement nowadays has stopped even though it is still legal to consume tobacco products. The companies mention the effects of tobacco on their packets, and the media creates awareness of the effects of smoking through a mandatory disclaimer on the impact smoking.
Therefore with time, the endorsement and promotion of cigarettes have changed to create awareness of the adverse effects of smoking.
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