Subject: Knowledge Management
Discuss in detail different Knowledge Management systems ? ( please explain all systems in detail with elaboration in 200 words )
Knowledge Management systems
Knowledge management systems store and record knowledge locates its sources, extracts repositories for hidden knowledge, and involves knowledge to improve the process. They are three main types that include Knowledge work, intelligent techniques and enterprise-wide knowledge management systems. First, the knowledge work systems support the development of upcoming knowledge and incorporation into the firm or an organization. It needs access to an external knowledge base that is on strongly built computer hardware. Such hardware backs up intensive graphics, document management and communication proficients (Zhang, 2017). Also, it aids in boosting organizational productivity for the most paid knowledge workers. The systems are in customized facilities due to work carried out around such working environments. The KWS offers access to an external database and the capability to expound on vast financial data quickly.
Intelligent technique systems capture an individual or a collection of knowledge and transfer it through Artificial intelligence and database technologies to complex systems, fuzzy logic, intelligent agents and automated routine tasks. They exist in POS terminals, digital electronics like television, aeroplane control and smart meters (Zhang, 2017). Lastly, enterprise-wide knowledge management systems use arrays of technologies to store their documents. They locate employee’s skills, search for data and use it from initiative applications.
Zhang, X. (2017). Knowledge Management System Use and Job Performance: A Multilevel Contingency Model. MIS Q., 41(3), 811-840.
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