During covid19 ,about the Maxis Communications Malaysia.
Explanations pertaining to organizational management practices on planning.
The increased Maxis BCP efforts are in response to the Malaysian Ministry of Health and the World Health Organization's advice to exercise social distance in the face of rising cases in the country. Maxis will continue to monitor the COVID-19 virus's progress and will maintain a high level of care and hygiene at all times, with stringent precautionary measures in place, and will implement any new processes that are required. Maxis employees have not yet been diagnosed with the Covid-19 virus. Despite this, the organization is diligent in taking all preventative steps extremely seriously in order to mitigate any potential effect.
Maxis has also put on pause all of its internal and external activities and gatherings until further notice as part of its preventative measures, with online alternatives as potential substitutes if appropriate.
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