To the extent that you can provide details from the information given and a visit to the Nick’s Pizza Web site ( ), prepare a needs assessment for training kitchen staff at Nick’s. Remember to include organization, person, and task analyses.
Nick’s Pizza - Needs Analysis
Training kitchen staff
The established needs assessment for Nick’s Pizza will evaluate the organization,
individual employees, and employee tasks to determine what kind of training is
needed to run the restaurant more efficiently. By developing a correct needs
assessment for the business, Nick’s Pizza, will be able to expand its mission, goals
and couture at a more effective level. The employee performance evaluation will
assist in correcting performance problems to the employees who require additional
training so everything functions more effectively.
Nick’s Pizza is a Chicago local pub and restaurant with an immense success in
employee turnover and great profits. Nick’s restaurant caters to families and
teenagers as well as younger and older adults. What make's Nick’s Pizza special is
the couture and the particular way they hire and train their employees. The success
of the company clearly demonstrates a caring attitude toward workers while
creating a comfortable, happy, team based atmosphere in order to achieve high
customer turnover and satisfaction by training the best of people as associates.
Because of the significant attention the management of Nick’s Pizza provide to
selecting potential employees. The team at Nick’s Pizza provides outstanding
foodservice and providing attention to details. Another great aspect of working for
Nick’s Pizza is the fact that the position provides on-the-job learning by managers
and trainers and providing feedback during weekly meetings.
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