Supply Chain management concept mainly aim on analyzing and managing the supply chain operations of a contemporary focal company and managing those operations effectively and efficiently with having an end-to-end (E2E) focus. Using a relevant company or an industry, explore the related key supply chain operations and describe the fundamental concepts of supply chain management for managing those supply chain operations from E2E.
Key supply chain operations
Are inter-organization systems that allow organizations to effectively and efficiently handle the flow of goods from supplier to customer.
They are also known as the components of supply chain management, include;
Include the supplier of raw materials, components, and services that an organization needs to manufacture and deliver goods to a customer. It contains the following organizations
Fundamental concepts of supply chain management;
1. SCM Objectives
To meet the required demanded customer service level in targeted markets/segments and to optimize total supply chain investment and cost.
2. SCM Philosophy
every product or service is delivered to the final consumer (the only source of “real” money in the chain) through a series of often complex movements between companies that comprise the complete chain.
3. Managing the Flows
For a supply chain to achieve its maximum level of effectiveness and efficiency, money flows, material flows, and information flows throughout the entire chain must be managed in an integrated and holistic manner, driven by the overall service and cost objectives.
4. Supply Chain Relationships
The holistic approach requires a reappraisal of the way in which both internal and external customer/supplier relationships are created and managed.
All these concepts will help the achievement of E2E.
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