Q.2.1 Determine and relate any three technological inventions that could have an impact on Santa Cruz Guitar Co. business functioning.
Expert's answer
The technological inventions that can have an impact on Santa Cruz Guitar Co. business functioning are:
The internet- the internet can be very useful for the business as it can change the way it operates to a great extent. The business can take orders for customization online and show the product before it is delivered online to its customers. Therefore Sales and Marketing can be done online hence boosting the business.
Making electric guitars-the demand for electric guitars and its customization will increase which can impact Santa Cruz Guitar Co. and it can even consider to make them.
Music industry advancements- as the music industry is developing and advancing, new and more strings can be needed in making guitars. Music can now be downloaded in phones directly from apps like Spotify, so the demands for guitars that can play modern music will increase. Amplifying the guitars to meet the new, modern and loud pop and EDM music needs will also be in demand.
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