3. Due to the Covid 19 crisis. Organizations have become more technology driven. What do you think is more important– the management of human element of the organization or the management of technology? (2*5=10)
Since the moment it was uncovered Covid 19 never seemed a great threat to ecconomies or even to businesses. But with no doubt, Covid 19 has significantly affected every economy in the world and threatened the mere survival of business organizations in every corner of the earth. Consequently, organizations have had to come up with innovative ways to atleast guarantee their survive in these threatening economical times.
Organizations should be technologically driven because technology is evedently the future. Technology guarantees that production processes continue with no delay and with minimal supervision even in trying moments like in present covid 19 pandemic.
Moreover, Management of technology in an oganization can help to simply communication. Senior staff can easily transfer information to surbodinates even to those who are working at home. These makes sure that the workload of the organization is undertaken despite workers working from home.
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