Teachers in your region are concerned with the services that they get from the officials at the regional office. Through debate and interaction, teachers pre-concluded that their teaching performance is to an extent influenced by the services that they receive. The regional education director has provided funds to conduct a study on the matter and invites for proposals. Your proposal must include the following sections: Title of the study [2] Section 1: introduction (a) Background of the study [8] (b) Statement of the problem [2] (c) Aim (s) of the study [2] (d) Research question (only one) [1] (e) Significance of the study [4] Section 2: Literature review [10] Section 3: methodology (a) Research design [8]FACULTY OF EDUCATION Page 13 of 13 (b) Population of the study [2] (c) Sample and sampling procedure [4] (d) Data construction instruments [3] (e) Data analysis
The importance of this study is;
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