The recent Covid-19 pandemic has turned the world upside down with several businesses
shutting shop owing to mounting losses. Yet, in these pandemic times, e-commerce is
one twinkling star that has been gathering strength after strength. How has Direct Selling
Experience via Amazon India helped small scale manufacturers of handicrafts or any other item of your choice during these pandemic times. As an external consultant, try to
analyse the reasons behind the success of these small-scale manufacturers. Provide some
statistics on how technology has made the lives of small-scale manufacturers simpler? In
your opinion, do you see this as a future once the Covid-19 crisis gets over or do you see
manufacturers trying to sell their handicraft/other products face to face again?
The recent Covid -19 pandemic has turned the world upside down with various businesses closing down due to amounting losses. However in this pandemic e-commerce is one sense of hope for small businesses, and its star is obtaining strength each day. Technology has given small-scale manufacturers the potential to connect with several clients via e-mail, social networks, blogs, and other social media forums. Hence small business owners can take the opportunity and link up with the clients by getting feedback and applying the feedbacks to develop their businesses. As a result, e-commerce will be the future of businesses even after Corona virus since its benefits are tremendous.
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