Essex Enterprises is a renowned logistics company which has spread its operations in 7 countries across the globe. They are recognized as the best learning organization due to their policies and processes and systems. One of the reasons for their success is that they have successfully applied the Reinforcement Theory of Learning since their inception. a. Why is Reinforcement Theory also called as Behaviour Modification Theory? b.How can reinforcement be administered effectively? I want the answer of this question
Reinforcement Theory is also called Behaviour Modification Theory because it involves the art of modifying and molding human behaviour.
The reinforcement can effectively be administered by repeatedly delivering reinforcement based on a planned reinforcement program.
The reinforcement can effectively be administered by delivering reinforcement quickly to the employee to keep it from losing its effect. And if there is any need, the manager should use verbal reinforcement to the employee to tell him or her when he or she needs reinforcement.
The reinforcement can effectively be administer by managers not waiting for perfect employees for that specific reinforcement. Whenever the manager sees the improvement, he or she should encourage the employees and don’t wait for a perfect employee and perfect behaviour.
The reinforcement can effectively be administered by managers when they refuse to use negative reinforcement when they are feeling sorry for the employee. If an employee cannot show improvement, you should give him another chance for trying next time.
The reinforcement can effectively be administered by using social reinforcement to supplement other reinforcement activities. And use verbal reinforcements. You should be able to thank someone easily and encourage their abilities if they are not perfects enough.
The reinforcement can effectively be administered by eliminating any form of ambiguity in your social reinforcements. Everything should be clear and understandable for the employees.
The reinforcement can be effectively be administered by giving employees reinforcements which matches their age.
Please send me the answers of my questions immediately. Because I want to submit my assignment till end of April month.
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