Is your course instructor a manager? Discuss in terms of managerial functions, managerial roles, and skills.
Instructors need to be good leaders just like managers. They need to have certain attributes similar to managers in order to complete specific tasks. These attributes include; being able to plan, organize, lead and control students. They should plan and organize students, student's assignments on time, and the topics and lessons they are going to teach them. They should also be able to organize students in groups so that they can encourage team work. Moreover, they need to be able to lead students by guiding them both in classwork, assignments and other issues and control students to ensure that they are not getting out of line.
Furthermore, instructors need to have specific skills such as proper communication with their students, critical decision-making attributes, and problem-solving skills. They also have to be good time managers by coming to class on time, and giving out and collecting assignments on time. These attributes are similar to those of a manager in one way or another. This is because, instructors have the role motivating students, evaluating their performances, guiding and instructing them and avoiding crisis situations and solving problems whenever they arise. These skills are critical in helping the instructor create a good relationship with students just as they help managers create good relationships with employees. Moreover, these skills show that the instructor is concerned with their student's welfare outside of class. Therefore, my course instructor is a manager.
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