The philosophy of community policing guides police management styles and operational strategiesIt emphasises the establishment of police-community partnerships and a problemsolving approach responsive to the needs of the community.
Discuss the concept of community policing briefly under the following heading
8. Conclusion Mention your own final remarks and or recommendations)
9.List of references
Community policing, recognizing that police rarely can solve public
safety problems alone, encourages interactive partnerships with relevant
stakeholders. The range of potential partners is large, and these partnerships
can be used to accomplish the two interrelated goals of developing solutions
to problems through collaborative problem solving and improving public trust.
The public should play a role in prioritizing and addressing public
safety problems.
Other Government Agencies
Law enforcement organizations can partner with a number of other
government agencies to identify community concerns and offer alternative
solutions. Examples of agencies include legislative bodies, prosecutors,
probation and parole, public works departments, neighboring law enforcement
agencies, health and human services, child support services, ordinance
enforcement, and schools.
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