1 a) Using practical examples, distinguish the concept of “Equal Pay for Equal Work” from the notion of “Equal Pay for comparable work”.
b) Briefly establish the differences and/or similarities between Cyber Crime and Cyber Ethics.
c) Studying ethical issues requires the use of a certain number of approaches. With clear illustrations, compare and contrast any two of such approaches.
Equal pay for equal work needs that a woman is paid the same as a man, or another woman, who is doing precisely the same job. Comparable worth, by contrast, pursues to expand the idea of fairness in ways that violate simple economic realism.
Cybercrimes are offenses committed using technology like computers and networks. Whereas Cyberethics is the study of ethics relating to computers, encircling user behavior and what computers are planned to do, and how this upsets individuals and the society at large.
The Right Approach- People are not objects to be handled. This is going against the principle of human dignity by using individuals in ways they do not freely choose.
The Virtues Approach- A person who has established virtues will be unsurprisingly disposed to act in ways reliable with moral principles. Hence, the virtuous person is the ethical person.
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