Question 1 a. Decision making has become a difficult task for most organizations with conflicts between different levels of management, you have been called upon to explain to them how these three companies would take decision-based on the three levels of management, a bank, and cocoa processing company and a hospital. Support your explanations with suitable examples. CR[10 marks] b. Using the same companies or institutions chosen in question 1, subquestion (a) above explains with suitable examples, how managements myths can affect the functions performed by the various levels of management, and how can these myths be dispelled? AP[5 marks] c. In the wake of recent happening in the football fraternity, leading to the dissolution and reconstitution of the Ghana Football Association, explain how the 14 principles of management from Henri Fayol can be used as principles to guide the association to success. Explain with suitable examples. AN[10 marks]
Decisions can be categorized into three groups based on the level at which they occur in organizations. First of all, strategic decisions set the progression of a firm. For instance, should we merge the three companies? Should we pursue new product lines for the three companies? Or should we downsize all the three organizations? Secondly, tactical decisions are decisions about how things will get done. For example, what will we do to facilitate employees from the three companies working together? How should we market the new product lines for the three companies? Or who should be let go when we downsize? Finally, operational decisions denote decisions that workers make each day to make the firm run. For instance, how often should I communicate with my coworkers? What should I say to customers about the new products? Or I will balance my network demands?
One myth is that the manager is a methodical planner and reflective. To dispel this myth, an average manager is inundated by crises and trivialities and devotes only nine minutes or so to any activity. Another myth is that the operative manager has no regular duties to perform. It should be noted that managers join upper management meetings, meet frequently with workers, coworkers, and potential clients, and engross and process data on a continued basis. Lastly, another myth is that the manager’s job is a science. The reality is that managers depend heavily on judgment and interaction.
The fourteen principles of management created by Henri Fayol are explained below that can be used to ensure that the association's success.
Division of Work- Henri believed that separating work in the workforce between the workers will enhance the quality of the product. Therefore, this principle is appropriate for both the managerial as well as technical work levels in the football association.
Authority and Responsibility- These are the two key aspects of management. Authority facilitates the management to work efficiently, and responsibility makes them responsible for the work done under their guidance or leadership of the football association.
Discipline- discipline is the core value for the management of the football association. Therefore, good performance and sensible interrelation make the management job easy and comprehensive.
Unity of Command-This means an employee should have only one manager and follow his command. If an employee has to follow more than one superior, there begins a conflict of interest and can create confusion in the football association.
Unity of Direction- Whoever is involved in the same activity should have a united goal. This means all the people working in the football association should have one goal and motive which will make the work easier and achieve the set goal easily.
Subordination of Individual Interest- This indicates a firm should work unitedly towards the interest of a corporation rather than personal interest. Therefore, all the people involved in the football association should be subordinate to the purposes of the club.
Remuneration- This plays a significant role in motivating the workers of the football association. Therefore, remuneration can be monetary or non-monetary.
Centralization- In the football association, the management is thus responsible for the decision-making process should be neutral.
Scalar Chain-. This is necessary so that every employee knows their immediate senior also they should be able to contact any if needed in the football association.
Order- The football association should maintain a well-defined work order to have a favorable work culture.
Equity- All employees should be treated equally and respectfully in the football association.
Stability- An employee delivers the best if they feel safe in their job within the football association.
Initiative- The management should support and encourage the employees to take initiatives in the football association.
Esprit de Corps- It is the accountability of the management to inspire their employees and be supportive of each other frequently within the football association.
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