In your region, the community has identified the following problems that affect them. Using the logical framework approach, assist them identify a project that will be of assistance to them.
I)Insufficient food stocks.
ii) Low economic activity
iii) Inadequate medical facilities
iv) Unqualified nurses
v) Unqualified doctors
vi) Poverty
vii) Malnutrition
viii) High prevalence of diseases
ix) Unqualified agricultural extension staff
x) Lack of agricultural extension equipment, eg vehicles, bicycles, tools
xi) Drought
xii) Lack of agricultural extension services.
a) Draw the problem tree, with the logical relationship establishing the causes and effects of the problems.
b) Convert the problem tree into the objective tree.
c) Undertake an alternative analysis.
d) Prepare a logframe Matrix which could likely be used by your project
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