Research one international organization, how it was formed, its goals and objectives, and highlight its major programs and accomplishments since it was
established. What are its greatest contributions in global politics, trade and economy? Present it through a diagram.
International Labor Organization objectives include;
(I) promote and realize fundamental principles and rights at work
(ii) create greater opportunity for men and women to secure decent employment and income
(iii) enhance the coverage and effectiveness of social protection for all
(iv) strengthen multiparters and social dialog
Appears naturally and logically to call at the very least for recognition in the social field of conditions enabling workers to negotiate freely, both individually and collectively, their conditions of work.
In the global economy and the importance of trade issues, the WTO Singapore Ministerial Declaration of 1996 provided an indirect support to the ILO Declaration, as it stated explicitly that the ILO was the competent body to set and deal with the internationally recognized core labor standards
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