Since managers manage employees, they also have to be concerned about controlling for employee performance; that is, making sure employees’ work efforts are of the quantity and quality needed to accomplish organizational goals. How do managers do that through Control Process? (Word limit: 300 words maximum)
It is an ongoing process that seeks to identify, measure and develop the workforce's performance continuously.
Techniques to Manage and Improve Employee Performance
An organization's success is mainly dependent on how well every employee performs.
Objectives of the performance management system
Goal setting is the most lucrative way for initiating better performance among employees.
2. Setting the right expectations for managers and employees
An efficient performance management system will attempt to set clear expectations from both managers and employees.
3. Effective communication between individuals and teams
A company with a good communication culture results in employees engaged and aligning individual objectives with business objectives.
4. Set performance standards
An organization should set performance standards and performance plans for evaluating employee performance.
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