Write a paragraph on EACH of the following concepts/characters/passages. If it is a character, make sure to describe the who, what, when, where, and also the why important ESPECIALLY in regards to the theme of the course and the content of the work. If it is a concept, make sure to explain how that concept fits into the appropriate texts, what the larger meaning of the concept is for the course, and characters who may be associated with the concept. If it is a passage, write out a full explication of the passage, how it reflects a theme that may run throughout the work, how it demonstrates the voice of the character, how it addresses a particular concept, etc. USE CITATIONS TO SUPPORT YOUR ANSWER.
Please submit your answers in a single file using the link.
"Bisclavret" is one of the twelve Lais of Marie de France written in the 12th century. Originally written in French, it tells the story of a werewolf who is trapped in lupine form by the treachery of his wife.
While traveling by boat to Venice, Aschenbach sees a pathetic-looking old man who is wearing makeup, a wig, and dentures in a desperate attempt to appear young. The old man is drunk and offends Aschenbach's sensibilities.
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