1. In the Rigoberta Menchu video (https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Irvq1CHPAvo), what part of her story and her dreams for indigenous peoples most resonates with you?
2. What similarities and differences do you see between the 1960s struggle for justice for aboriginal peoples in Australia and the 1960s U.S. Civil Rights Movement?
3. The Zapatista movement in southern Mexico used violence -- and the threat of violence -- to achieve their ends. What aspects of a traditional non-violent social movement do you see in their activities?
1.Rigoberta Menchú is a Nobel Peace Prize laureate, indigenous woman and survivor of genocide in Guatemala. She seeks the observance of a code of ethics for an era of peace, as her contribution to humanity.
2.Both the since the aboriginal peoples in Australia and the 1960s U.S., colonization of Australia by European settlers, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians have experienced extreme hardships, ranging from the loss of traditional culture and homelands to the forced removal of children and denial of citizenship rights.
On the difference, the referendum opened a door; it allowed the Australian Government to change the Constitution so it could be involved in the affairs of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. However, the referendum did not end discrimination. Similarly, the 'Aboriginal' and 'Torres Strait Islander' refer to different groups of people. Aboriginal refers to the original peoples of mainland Australia. Torres Strait Islander refers to the original peoples of the 274 islands located north of Australia, in the Torres Strait.
3.Social movement and social change.
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