4. “And with courteous words and astutely wooing jests, Socrates taught Phaidros about desire and virtue.” What is the importance of this line?
5. What are three images of death in the story?
6. What are the images of the ‘unheimlich’ (Freudian concept of the uncanny) in the story?
4. This line is to show how Aschenbach may have viewed the situation if he ever was to approach Tadzio. The story points out the intentions that Aschenbach had to lure Tadzio just like how Socrates too advantage of Phaedrus.
5. i)Rotting.
6. Freud's first thesis: The uncanny arises due to the return of repressed infantile material. Other examples of this: The double (doppelganger); its source is the primary narcissism of the child, its self-love. In early childhood this produces projections of multiple selves.
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